Anita and Me

This poignant coming-of-age tale follows Meena, the irreverent teenage daughter of the only Punjabi family in the mining village of Tollington. When she becomes friends with the impossibly feisty Anita, she thinks she’s found her soul mate; but her world is quickly turned upside down as she finds herself caught between her two cultures.

Anita and Me is Meera Syal’s much loved debut novel and was first published in 1996. Tanika Gupta with especially composed music by the Ringham brothers, Anita And Me paints a colourful portrait of village life in 1970’s West Midlands during the era of flares, power cuts and glam rock.

Anita and Me was directed by Roxana Silbert, Artistic Director of Birmingham REP Theatre. It played in Birmingham Repertory Theatre where it premiered on 9 October and ran until 24 October 2015. It was followed by a transfer to the Theatre Royal Stratford East from 29 October to 21 November 2015. From February to April 2017 Anita and Me toured the UK, going to places such as Wolverhampton, Cheltenham, Blackpool, Nottingham, Bradford and Edinburgh

Anita and Me – Behind the scenes with Roxana Silbert and Tanika Gupta

“The production offers plenty of light and shade and at its heart it is a poignant, honest, and funny story.” The Reviews Hub

“The production burst with life” The Independent

“Warm and witty, a snapshot from the life of a child that features wonderful memories” Stage Review